Canada's The Metal Voice on New Year's Eve Dec 31 2020 spoke to guitarist Michael Gilbert of Flotsam and Jetsam, legendary drummer Carmine Appice, Aldo Nova and singer of Sword's Rick Hughes in special a New Years Special.
Now on Youtube, watch here
Excepts from the interviews
Flotsam and Jetsam's Michael Gilbert
Tell us about the upcoming new studio album by Flotsam and Jetsam
"The new Flotsam and Jetsam album was supposed to come out in January 2021 that was what the plan was, so the album is pretty much done. Everything is done, completed, except for the artwork as and it is now pushed to June 2021. So we stopped doing the white knuckle recording and started taking our time with the mixes. I think we are going to be releasing a lyric video pretty soon for the first single, maybe February March 2021. "
Tell us about the musical direction
"This is the perfect follow-up to The End of Chaos (last album). We could not have planned it any better. It ended up coming out like The End of Chaos on steroids basically you are going to love it. The musical direction is going to be brutal for a Flotsam record, it's a step above Chaos for sure."
Carmine Appice
Tell us what projects are you working on in 2021
"I got a new Cactus album coming out, I'm working on a new instrumental album, then all my drum instructional books (eight of them) are being re-released in 2021 coming out on Modern Drummer publications. Also my brother Vinny and I have been talking about a new album and we got some half done demos and Jim Crean is singing on it but it's hard to get Vinny motivated."
Tell us about the passing of your friend Leslie West
"I knew him the longest of anyone in the business. Leslie was an amazing player, funny guy and had a real dark crazy sense of humour. I have known his since 1963, I was in an R and B funk band, with horns everything and we played the same club opposite from each other, half on half off. Then I played with Leslie in 1975, it was me Mick Jones who ended up being in Foreigner, Kenny Aaronson and Lesie what a great band it was. We did Mississippi Queen and there is a video on Youtube if you want to see."
Aldo Nova
Tell us about your new studio release The life and times of Eddie Gage
"Eddie Gage is a Rock Opera with 27 songs and is on hold. I was going to put it out but I am now putting out an E.P. (from the album) probably March or April 2021. I am in the process of doing a mini Documentary on how the new studio album was done and put together. Also I am uploading New Youtube video performances on Aldo Nova channel of my classic songs check them out they are smokin."
Sword's Rick Hughes
Tell us about the Musical direction of the New Sword album on Combat Records
"The reaction to the new single In Kommad has been amazing. What I like the most about Sword's latest project is that every song is so totally different from one track to another. The song In Kommad is the thrasher song of the album. Then you will get a song which will remind you of the early days of Black Sabbath, with a bit of Dio and a bit of Ozzy and some Motorhead. The first song is just the tip of the Iceberg and I really mean it. I know everyone is anxious to hear the album but the Pandemic has all our plans struck down, everything was ready to go and tour with the big boys in the USA so we have to wait."
More on Sword in the video interview
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