Legendary producer Max Norman was interviewed live on The Metal Voice on April 13 2021. Norman discussed his Ozzy Osbourne album productions(Blizzard of Ozz, Diary of a Madman, Bark at the Moon, Speak of the Devil and Tribute) in detail.
Watch Interview here
Also during the interview Max Norman spoke about his work on the Lita Ford's new Album, " I'm actually doing Lita Ford's new record right now. Occasionally I do some interviews and I asked her if it is ok to talk about it and she said ok just don't tell them the title. The album sounds really great, it is a very modern sound and a whole concept thing and I think everyone is going to enjoy it, it's actually really good. All kudos to her she has been making it for a few years now. I am just at the fourth mix right now. The album is a pretty enclosed concept. The style is pretty modern but they do quite a lot of guitar harmony stuff. It's a pretty modern sound, it's not like an old school thing. This is a new kind of sound for me, the drums are very new. I always very pleased when I hear mature artists like Lita coming out with fresh music. Sonically it is pretty amazing. "
In 2019, Lita told Neil Turbin from The Metal Voice that her new album will include a song called "Monsters", which was inspired by infamous cult leaders like Charles Manson and David Koresh. "It's just really dark and nasty stuff — brainwashing people and all the stuff [Koresh] did, and got all those people to drink Kool-Aid," she said. "But then again, it could be someone like your attorney, or it could be someone like your mom who is the monster in your life. It could be your manager. You never know who the monster in your life is gonna turn out to be."
Ford's last release was 2016's "Time Capsule", a collection of songs that were recorded by Lita in the past, but never before made available.
Some of Max Norman most notable Production and Engineering credits include
Ozzy Osbourne - Blizzard of Ozz (1980), Diary of a Madman (1981), Speak of the Devil (1982), Bark at the Moon (1983), Tribute (1987)
Y&T - Black Tiger (1982)
Megadeth - Countdown to Extinction (1992), Youthanasia (1994), Hidden Treasures (1995)
Coney Hatch - Outta Hand (1983), Friction (1985), Best of Three (1992)
Savatage -Power of the Night (1985)
Grim Reaper - Rock You to Hell (1987)
Loudness - Thunder in the East (1985), Lightning Strikes (1986), Soldier of Fortune (1989)
Armored Saint - Delirious Nomad (1985)
Malice - Licence to Kill (1986)
Lizzy Borden - Visual Lies (1987)
Death Angel - Act III (1990)
Fates Warning - No Exit (1988), Perfect Symmetry (1989)
Megadeth - Rust in Peace (1990)
Annihilator (band) - Set the World on Fire