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The Metal Voice

Nazareth Co-Founder Recalls Stonehenge Props Mishaps While On Tour w/ Black Sabbath Born Again 83'

Jimmy Kay from Canada's The Metal Voice spoke to Nazareth's Bassist co-founder Pete Agnew about the bands upcoming new album 'Surviving The Law' to be released April 15, 2022 via Frontiers Music S.L.R.

Pete Agnew also spoke about touring with Nazareth on the Black Sabbath Born Again tour 83' and the 'Stonehenge props' Mishaps. Plus Agnew talks recalls some Axl Rose and Guns N' Roses stories over the years.

Watch complete interview here

When asked about the new album 'Surviving The Law' and comparing it to their last album and their classic 70's albums

"It's a different band now for a start. 'Tattooed on My Brain' was the first album that we did with this line up with a new singer, that was the first time. This time we are a bit more used to each other. We were stuck in because of the pandemic plague, so everybody was writing an awful lot more songs than we normally would. But it all worked out very well. In terms of material, the content of the album I think this one is a little more darker, I think it's a bit more heavier than 'Tattooed on My Brain'. There is definitely a different mood on this album and I think it follows 'Tattooed on My Brain' well."

When asked about Nazareth touring with Black Sabbath on their 'Born Again' tour 83', the Stonehenge props mishaps and the show delays (Montreal Forum, Quebec, Canada)

"Do you remember that stupid stage set (Stonehenge props) that Black Sabbath had? Has anyone seen Spinal Tap? That is were it was taken from. They built that Stonehenge thing and it took them about a day, two days to put that up before we could go onstage. Their crew was working on it banging away. Our guys couldn't get in there to organize our equipment because of the nonsense that was going on with Black Sabbath's work crew. In fact it was so funny because half of the crew got fired that night and then they never used the set again the whole tour. That was hilarious, it was complete mayhem backstage onstage. At one point they were discussing that we were not going to go on because it was going to take that long to get them on (Black Sabbath) but there would have been complaints because we did sell quite a few tickets ourselves. That is why you were waiting, waiting for them to build that stupid stage. We just did the four shows in Canada at the beginning and then we left to go to America."

Photo Lewis Milne

When asked about the time by Axl Rose wanted Nazareth to play at his wedding

"It was Dan (Dan McCafferty) it wasn't Nazareth. It was for Dan to sing 'Love hurts' Axl was getting married to an Everly Brothers daughter ( Erin Everly). It was mentioned they would have liked Dan to do it but we were touring, it just wasn't possible and he would have went. Dan would have went along and sung. I think possibly the song outlasted the marriage .In the early days Guns N Roses used to come and see us before they were huge."

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