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Ann Wilson at 1# & Doro #2 In Female Top 40 Hard Rock/ Metal Singer Fan Poll, See Full List Here

The Metal Voice

The votes are in! The fans have spoken. Before everyone starts complaining how their favorite singer did not make the list or the ranks are skewed, keep in mind nothing is perfect it's a fan poll, meaning fans vote. The beauty of fans leading the charge is the results are not dictated by some obscure no name committee saying what is best for the fans.

Note the question was 'Your Favorite all Time Hard Rock / Metal Female singer" Meaning your personal favorite singer, NOT "who is the all time greatest female singer".

This top 40 list is representative of a vast array of extremely talented women from different countries and different styles who work their butts off. It represents the foremothers who paved the way, the ladies in the trenches today and the up and coming women we all need to watch out for and try to support.

It was nice to see some up and coming artists (bands) higher up in the ranks, pushed by their dedicated fan base, 'Raven Black' at 3, Lzzy Hale at 6 and Mariah Formica at 29. Congrats to their loyal fans and these singers

The overall goal should be to revisit the classics and to discover someone new

1- Ann Wilson (Heart)

2- Doro Pesch

3- Raven Black 4- Lita Ford 5- Floor Jansen- (Nightwish)

6- Lzzy Hale 7- Pat Benetar 8- Lee Aaron

9 -Alissa White- Gluz (Arch Enemy) 10- Amy Lee- (Evanescence) 11- Tarja Turunen- (Ex Nightwish) 12- Anneke Van Giersbergen-(The Gathering) 13- Tatiana Shmayluk (Jinjer) 14- Joan Jett 15- Maria Brink (In this moment) 16- Cristina Scabbia (Lacuna Coil) 17- Simone Simons (Epica) 18- Leather Leone (Ex Chastain) 19- Brittney Slayes-(Unleash The Archers) 20- Sharon den Adel- (Within Temptation) 21-Stevie Nicks (Fleetwood Mac) 22- Angela Gossow (ex-Arch Enemy) 23- Janet Gardner- (Vixen) 24- Noora Louhimo (Battle Beast) 25- Janis Joplin 26- Wendy O Williams (Plasmatics) 27- Lacey Sturm ( Ex Flyleaf) 28- Talyor Momsen (The Pretty Reckless) 29- Mariah Formica (Plush) 30-Lena Scissorhands (Infected Rain) 31- Dorothy Martin (Dorothy) 32- Darby Mills (ex Headpins) 33-Kim McAuliffe (Girlschool) 34-Melodia Cristea (Liliac) 35- Anette Olzon-(Ex Nightwish) 36 Kelly Johnson (Girlschool) 37-Laura Guldemond-(Burning Witches) 38- Maria Breon (HolyHell) 39-Sabina Classen (Holy Moses) 40- Liv Jagrell (Liv Sin)

The questions was

Your Favorite all Time Hard Rock / Metal Female singer?

2070 Vote cast in Round 1 open to fans to add candidates

2013 Vote cast in Round 2 locked top 50 candidates from round 1

Just as a note there were a lot more candidates who were also deserving, as music is subjective at the end of the day

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3,752 views4 comments


Jan 24, 2023

Thanks for the disclaimer that it's a poll and therefore subject to the names most people have heard, but yeah, a lot of really excellent - nay, mind-blowing - singers didn't make it simply because American fans don't get exposed to a whole lot of bands outside of America or Europe. So yeah, if you have not heard the Headpins and Darby Mills, I envy your first spin of "Turn It Loud," "Line of Fire," "Head Over Heels" and the Unsung Heroes' "Never Look Back." And yeah, you need to get out more, dammit. 32nd? Really? And of course there's that whole avalanche of spectacular Hard Rock coming from Japan that a whole lot of North Americans are completely oblivious t…

Jan 24, 2023

Ummm…. 32 for Darby Mills doesn’t seem right she should be at least second under Anne Wilson.

Steven Schutt
Steven Schutt
Mar 18, 2023
Replying to

Agreed !!!!! Some Of The Women Whop Topped Darby In The Poll Wouldn't Have A CHANCE At Singing With The Power And Range That Darby Does !! I Actually Think I Would Put DARBY At #1 !!!! And Am I Missing Something, Or Was SASS JORDAN (Another Female Phemom) Not Even INCLUDED On This List ???? HUGE Injustice there, cause SASS ROCKS !!!!!!


Jan 21, 2023


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