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Ex- Metallica Management Jon & Marsha Zazula to Release Memoir Halloween 2019


Jimmy Kay from Canada's The Metal Voice recently spoke to legendary Megaforce record label founder Jon Zazula at this years annual Hall of Heavy Metal History Gala on Jan 23 2019. Former manager of Metallica Jon Zazula spoke about his new memoir book that he co-wrote with his wife Masha that will be released in October 2019. Watch interview here

When asked about the new memoir book "The book is coming out in October 2019 Halloween of this year, it is finished we are just filling in some parts, I am trying to finish my thank you list. The book starts where most people want it to end at the Roseland Ballroom, when Metallica, Anthrax and Raven played and all three bands got signed to major labels that night in 1984. This will be the kind of book that you pick up and put down in one reading or two. My wife and I Marsha went from total obscurity in a flea market making 50 dollars a night, to one point being worth 10 million dollars. It's a great story. It's a great story about a husband and a wife how they worked together though thick and thin without a pot to piss in and living in the hole for years to where we are today. It's a blue collar story. " When asked about about the first time they got the original Anthrax demos "I didn't want anything to do with Scott Ian and Anthrax I hated those guys at the time, they were pains in the ass. They chased me and Marsha from here to hell trying to get us to listen to their music and we did. We listened to every note they gave us and we listened very carefully, we wanted to love it but we didn't. It wasn't until Scott Ian came to us with the demo single of Soldiers of Metal that we said now that sounds great , give us an album of these types of songs. " When asked if he had his hand at dismissing Dave Mustaine "I had no hand in that , Metallica had come to me to use me as a feeding board but they did this all by themselves." Jon Zazula was inducted into The Hall Of Heavy Metal History on Wednesday, January 23 at Marriott Delta Garden Grove in Anaheim, California. The annual Metal Hall Of Fame gala


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