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Mark Osegueda Death Angel- Next album to be Aggressive in your face but more varied NAMM 2018


Jimmy Kay from Canada’s The Metal Voice recently spoke to Death Angel singer Mark Osegueda at The NAMM Show 2018 on January 26 at the TASCAM Booth

When asked if Death Angel has been working on new Material a follow-up to their last album The Evil Divide released in 2016

“That is what this year is pretty much dedicated to for Death Angel. We started the writing process we are at the very embryonic stage of it but planning to have the whole thing written, recorded and mixed by the end of the year 2018. “

When asked what was it like fronting a Thrash band in his Teenage years with Death Angel

“It was incredibly a wonderful, wonderful experience I did not know anything else. We were very fortunate that people liked our music and we were signed and we out a record when the thrash metal scene was coming out. Thrash was getting big everywhere. We were part of this underground thing that was happening getting to travel the world, play music and meet fans that were our age and a little bit older. “

When asked how accepting it was 30 years ago when the band started out to be a young US Pilipino band playing thrash

“We were from San Francisco bay area, which was a melting pot and a creative force in music and art at that time. In the Bay area, it was no big deal. Then we started traveling and touring North America, it was a completely different bag of beans when we hit certain parts of the States that did not really know what to make of us. A night walking to a truck stop in the South back then at two in the morning a bunch of ethnic teenage kids the looks we would get was definitely something special. “

When asked about the musical direction of the next album

“This will be the forth album with this lineup, the most albums ever by DEATH Angel with the same lineup. We are going to stay with the same producer Jason Suecof. We are going to stick to the same formulas, it is going to be aggressive in your face but I think our arsenal has a lot more varied like on the last album The Evil Divide, the song LOST. We always have our own subtle nuances that we throw in that other thrash bands just don’t do and I think that‘s what separates us from them. I do not know if it is a better thing but it is an original thing and that is what we always strive for.”

Anvil & Anvil Wives interview at Hall of Heavy Metal History 2018


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